《To my dearest, Be my dearest》 03-04-2017 | |
Earrings Series - Stalactite II 31-03-2017 | |
《To my dearest, Be my dearest》 27-03-2017 | |
Wedding Band Series - Credere 23-03-2017 | |
Propose Ring Series - Raindrop 20-03-2017 | |
Propose Ring Series - Lucky Charm with Love 13-03-2017 | |
Happy Friday everyone! 10-03-2017 | |
Wedding Band Series - Forever 06-03-2017 | |
《情人節放閃時間✨》 14-02-2017 | |
Wedding Bands Series 13-02-2017 | |
《GIA高質卡裝靚石》 09-02-2017 | |
Pendant Series - Moon ans Stars 08-02-2017 | |
《訂制高級珠寶》 02-02-2017 | |
《金雞報喜慶豐年》 30-01-2017 | |
《金雞報喜慶豐年》 28-01-2017 | |
Cara Diamond 祝各位新年快樂、萬事如意、金銀滿屋! 27-01-2017 | |
Propose Ring Series - Lots of love 25-01-2017 | |
Propose Ring Series - Venus 21-01-2017 | |
Tailor-made Collection 16-01-2017 | |
18K gold propose ring series 12-01-2017 | |
Propose Ring Series - Magic 10-01-2017 | |
《To my dearest, Be my dearest》 03-01-2017 | |
Happy New Year! 01-01-2017 | |
Earrings Series - Snowflake on the moon 30-12-2016 | |
【 Merry Christmas! 】 24-12-2016 | |
Propose Ring Series - Promise Me 21-12-2016 | |
Pendant Series - Heart to Heart 16-12-2016 | |
【To my dearest, Be my dearest】 11-12-2016 | |
Propose Ring Series - Harmony with Love II 09-12-2016 | |
Propose Ring Series - Anna with Love 01-12-2016 | |
Propose Ring Series - Goda with Love 23-11-2016 | |
【手繪靚靚聖誕樹,做鑽石耳環主人】 13-11-2016 | |
條款及細則︰ 1. 參加活動前,所有參加者必需細閱及遵守以下條款及細則。閣下的參與將代表閣下已閱讀及同意各項條款及細則。 2. 本活動推廣期為2016年11月13日至12月17日。 3. 參加者於2016年11月13日至12月17日於 Facebook 成功分享Cara Diamond 特定帖文及上載圖畫,即有機會獲贈指定鑽石耳環。 4. 耳環不可轉換或兌換現金。Cara Diamond 保留更改禮品的權利,毋須另行通知。 5. 參加者需保證作品均出自參賽者本人,且未冒用或盜用任何第三人之作品。如有任何不實,將被取消參加資格,Cara Diamond 不負任何責任。 6. 參加者畫作之版權將歸 Cara Diamond 所有。得獎者須與禮品拍照,並同意Cara Diamond將有關照片作日後宣傳之用途。 7. Cara Diamond 可隨時對上述之條款及細則作出修改而毋須另行通知, 如有任何爭議,Cara Diamond 保留活動之最終決定權。 ![]() | |
【手繪靚靚聖誕樹,做鑽石耳環主人】 12-11-2016 | |
Propose Ring Series - Tinkle with Love 12-11-2016 | |
Wedding Band Series - Ferris 10-11-2016 | |
Propose Ring Series - Waves 03-11-2016 | |
Earrings Series - Heart Brilliant 31-10-2016 | |
Propose Ring Series - Satellite with Love 27-10-2016 | |
生活細節中的浪漫傳奇 19-10-2016 | |
Wedding Band Series - Impegno 30-09-2016 | |
Ring Series - 孝敬父母系列 09-09-2016 | |
Earrings Series - Rosy Flowers 03-09-2016 | |
Earrings Series - Golden Triangle & Rosy Triangle 22-08-2016 | |
【Cara Diamond 閃鑽優惠 】 08-08-2016 | |
Propose Ring Series - Butterfly bow with Love 29-07-2016 | |
Earrings Series - Stalactite 15-07-2016 | |
Wedding Band Series - NaNa 11-07-2016 | |
Propose Ring Series - Princess with Love II 07-07-2016 | |
Propose Ring Series - Way To Your Heart 25-06-2016 | |
Propose Ring Series - Twinkle II with Love 20-06-2016 | |
Propose Ring Series - Heart of Brilliant with Love 10-06-2016 | |
《GIA鑽石誠意推介》 08-06-2016 | |
《To my dearest, Be my dearest》 27-05-2016 | |
【To my dearest, Be my dearest】 18-05-2016 | |
Wedding Band Series - Promettere 13-05-2016 | |
《 GIA鑽石推介 》 10-05-2016 | |
《 Happy Mother's Day 》 07-05-2016 | |
【母親節獻禮】 04-05-2016 | |
The Mother's Day Special 28-04-2016 | |
【感動至親 ‧ 珍愛母親】 22-04-2016 | |
Wedding Band Series - Galassia 14-04-2016 | |
Propose Ring Series - The Queen with Love 07-04-2016 | |
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Propose Ring Series - Venus with Love 02-04-2016 | |
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Earrings Series - Starlight 24-03-2016 | |
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Propose Ring Series - Sunshine 21-03-2016 | |
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Wedding Ring Series - Love Line 16-03-2016 | |
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Propose Ring Series - Princess with Love 08-03-2016 | |
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Today is an extra SPARKLY day! 29-02-2016 | |
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Happy Lantern Festival 22-02-2016 | |
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Propose Ring Series - Soulmate with Love 17-02-2016 | |
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《 Happy St. Valentine's Day 》 14-02-2016 | |
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《 Will you be my Valentine? 》 13-02-2016 | |
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《大年初一,新年快樂》 08-02-2016 | |
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Getting ready for Valentine's Day! 25-01-2016 | |
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情人節 ♥ 留下動人情話,贏取獨一無二的18K白金鑽石吊墜 19-01-2016 | |
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Happy New Year! 01-01-2016 | |
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All I want for Christmas is.... YOU ♬ 25-12-2015 | |
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【銀白色.為2016帶來幸福的顏色】 23-12-2015 | |
條款及細則︰ 1. 凡購物滿HK$40,000元或以上 (以成交價計算) 可作HK$1,000使用。 2. 此券不能兌換現金並不可與其他優惠一併使用。 3. 請於惠顧前出示此劵。 4. 每次惠顧只限使用優惠券一張。 5. 現金券或禮品如有遺失、損毀或被竊,Cara Diamond概不負責。 6. Cara Diamond保留修訂或更改條款及細則之權利而毋須另行通知。 7. 如有任何爭議,Cara Diamond保留最終決定權。 Terms and Conditions: 1. Customer will enjoy HK$1,000 cash discount upon purchase of HK$40,000 or above in one transaction. 2. This coupon cannot be redeemed for cash or cannot be used together with any other promotion offers. 3. The coupon must be presented before purchase. 4. One coupon can only be used once in each purchase. 5. Defaced, damaged or photocopied coupons are not accepted. 6. Cara Diamond reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions as well as to vary or terminate the offers without prior notice. 7. In case of disputes, the decision of Cara Diamond shall be final. ![]() | |
Propose Ring Series - ♪ Joy to the world ! ♬ 22-12-2015 | |
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Engagement Rings Series - Classic Rose 17-12-2015 | |
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Blue Sapphire Collection 03-11-2015 | |
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《生活的結晶,美麗之象徵》 14-10-2015 | |
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Engagement Rings Series - My love will get you home. 14-09-2015 | |
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Pendants Series - Sweet Lover 24-08-2015 | |
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Eternity Ring, Eternity Love 11-08-2015 | |
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Earrings - The Circle 06-08-2015 | |
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Happy Family 03-08-2015 | |
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3卡美鑽 ‧ 不一樣既魅力 31-07-2015 | |
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閃爍動人既鑽石耳環 28-07-2015 | |
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Natural Emerald with brilliant diamonds 17-7-2015 | |
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Follow #caradiamondhk #caradiamond 13-7-2015 | |
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Flower blossom Collection By Cara Diamond 11-7-2015 | |
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紅寶石鑽石吊咀 By Cara Diamond 7-7-2015 | |
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Dance with Pearl Collection By Cara Diamond 29-6-2015 | |
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GIA心型鑽石 1.03ct F/ SI2 24-6-2015 | |
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全單 1.5 % 折扣優惠 18-6-2015 | |
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Cara Diamond正式登陸Google! 2014-10-07 | |
為答謝顧客同Google既支持,凡新客戶惠顧Cara Diamond 並即時lik我地facebook既page就可享有「即時現金回贈」! 而我地又點會忘記一向支持我地既客戶呢? 早著先機的舊客戶在選購指定鑽石時更可享有免費戒托鑲嵌服務! 有需要的可以致電我們,讓我們為你提供最好的選擇,或瀏灠www.caradiamond.com *************************** 《聯絡我們》 地址:香港干諾道中88號南豐大廈12樓1201至06室 電話:(852) 3583 0353 (Chris) Whatsapp︰(852) 61026070 (Chris) 電郵﹕info@caradiamond.com 歡迎致電Tel: 6102 6070 查詢。 Ref No: GOOGLE_01 ![]() | |
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